Broker Buddy

Broker Buddy works to automate the process of delivering a loan to a borrower. It automates the process of finding current rates and loans and also provides lead generation services. Broker Buddy offers these services in a more simple manner, which is more than enough for those that don’t want to deal with the more complex elements.

Broker Buddy Automated  Mortgage Pricing Benefits

  • Live Quotes – with the automated information at your fingertips, it’s possible to get quotes back to clients fast which leaves them less opportunity to shop around, especially when they’ll appreciate your being prompt
  • Price the market – it’s possible to search market rates quickly, so it’s easier to get more loans processed
  • Ability to search more lenders – it’s possible to search many participating lenders versus just a few that you have a relationship with
  • Pre-qualify borrowers – as quotes can be processed quickly, so can pre-qualification applications
  • Eliminate rate sheets – reading through multiple rate sheets from a variety of lenders can be complicated and slow. There’s a results page on Broker Buddy that summarizes all this

Broker Buddy

Broker Buddy Contact Information and Pricing

Contact Broker Buddy directly for pricing information using the contact information below
Global Headquarters
178 South Main Street
Suite 325
Alpharetta, GA 30009


Customer Support
[email protected]